Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Penchant for Truth?

The name is Grooms. Kris Grooms. (Or Kristopher, if you know me really really well.) I've grown up in church since I was knee-high to a grasshopper...or about four feet tall to be exact. One thing that I truly feel that God has bestowed upon me is the wonderful, bless-ed (You must pronounce it bless-ed for the proper effect. Say it with a British-English accent to really give it some oomph) gift of perspective. 

No matter where I found myself, what condition I was in or what circumstances I may have been facing, I've always been able to see God at work. I've seen friends and loved ones die before their time, I've seen people that I went to youth group with bail out on God altogether and I've experienced times in my life where what I believed to be true about God and what I was experiencing were diametrically opposed to one another.

I've seen friends bring their lives and the lives of others to ruin by developing a penchant for drugs and alcohol. I've seen marriages and families destroyed because husbands develop a penchant for other women. I've also seen many friends that I grew up with continue to circle the airport of life a thousand times simply because they never really developed much of a penchant for anything. 

John 8:32 NCV says, "Then you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free." At my church, we define freedom as being able to act and react to every situation in life as the person God created and intended you to be. Think about how awesome it would be never again having a sense of guilt or inferiority. Think about what it would feel like to be completely comfortable in your own skin. 

Jesus is saying in John 8:32 that this freedom comes from a living, breathing, experiential knowledge of the truth. Not just any truth, God's truth. So that's what this blog is all about...truth. God's truth, God's wisdom and God's way of doing things.

Lest you get the impression that I'm going to use the Bible to bash people over the head, I'd like to put you at ease in saying that God's truth was never designed to create condemnation in the heart of the hearer. It was meant to bring life and peace. On the other hand, it doesn't condone or support our quirky, crazy ways of doing things either.

That being said, we have a serious "truth vacuum" in this nation that I intend to fill with the best of my ability. Help me start a revolution and join me in developing a culture that has a "Penchant for Truth".  

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